Steve Marion
Email Steve Marion

Technology Coordinator

Associate Technology Coordinator
Matt Alley
Email Matt Alley
Intern- Gavin Potts

Intern- Dakota Berry
Intern- Hayden Jones
The Jackson City Schools provide a number of technology opportunities for its students and staff.
With over 2000 devices spread across our five educational buildings, there is a wide variety of devices that can be used within the district, including Chromebooks, PCs, laptops, and iPads.
Parents and students both are given access to the district Progress Book gradebook so that they can monitor their progress in real time.
In grades Pre-K through 8, we are using products such as Study Island, Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, BrainPop and others to help enhance education via technology. The Jackson Middle School also uses Scholastic Read 180 for reading intervention.
At Jackson High School we offer courses in Graphic Design, Video Production, Computer Applications & Exploration, Web Design, Computer Programming, Information Technology, a media productions class where students produce the school news show, create social media content for all sports teams at JHS, manage the school web page, and much more, we also offer a yearbook class where students learn about photography and page designing. Each department at JHS takes full advantage of the technology at hand by using and/or developing assistive applications that student can access via the building’s PCs, netbooks and iPads.
All buildings have WiFi connectivity throughout, and we are now working with students and staff to begin a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program.
If you have any questions about the technology that’s in use here at Jackson, please feel free to contact Steve Marion or Matt Alley at 740-286-7812, or you can e-mail them at Email Steve Marion or Email Matt Alley.